

So maybe I'm completely obsessed with the T half of W/T, lol, but Tara was great in these eps. So tough and self-assured, and funny too. She rescued Anya, found Willow + Xander (tiny tinkerbell) and swung a mean axe. I don't know about you, but seeing her so large with the butch definitely made me peppy. Plus in these eps we got morning kisses, night-time snuggles, and Tara's own version of grr-arrgh. Ok, ok & witch-fu Will was kick-ass ;)
We see a huge vampire, like sumo-size, booking through the graveyard. Giving chase are Tara, Spike, and Giles. Spike jumps out first, stops to wait for the heavily winded others. The vamp is gone.

Spike: Come on! I'm never gonna get anything killed with you lot holding me back!
Tara: (catching her breath) I thought ... the big ones tire more easily...
Spike: No, that's over-the-hill shopkeepers.
Giles: I'm fine. I just need to need to... die ... for a minute...
Spike: (to Tara) It was that powder you blew at him made him rabbit out.Tara in pants <swoon>
Tara: It's Sobri root! It's supposed to confuse him but it kinda just made him peppy. It's not supposed to mix with anything -- do you think he might be taking prescription medication?
Spike: Yeah. That must be it.
Giles: (riffing) Good God. What if he attempts to operate heavy machinery?!
Spike: (also amused) We could all be--
Willow: Guys! Heads up!
The voice comes from inside their heads. They all perk up instantly as we cut to: Willow, standing atop a crypt, surveying the graveyard like a general surveying a field of battle.

You know you're really one of the gang when you've felt Giles' sarcasm!


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